Emergency Disaster Relief



Bakman Water Company has implemented an Emergency Disaster Relief Program, which provides certain protections and relief for customers impacted by natural disasters and public health emergencies. When a State of Emergency (other than a drought) is declared by the California Governor or the President of the United States, Bakman Water Company will provide the following customer protections to eligible customers that are directly impacted by an emergency-related loss or disruption of the delivery or receipt of water service, and/or a degradation of the quality of utility service:

  • Work cooperatively with affected customers to resolve unpaid bills, and minimize disconnections for non-payment

  • Waive reconnection or facilities fees for affected customers and suspend deposits for affected customers who must reconnect to the system

  • Provide reasonable payment options to affected customers

  • Waive bills for victims who lost their homes or if their homes are rendered uninhabitable

  • Authorize a pro rate waiver of any fixed element of a water bill for the time that the home is uninhabitable

For additional information regarding Bakman Water Company’s Emergency Disaster Relief Program, please contact our office at (559) 255-0324.

This information is also available in the following translations: Spanish, Chinese, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Hmong and Tagalog.